Early Writings + Spiritual Gifts Ellen White DOWNLOAD PDF

The Great Controversy Between Christ And His Angels And Satan And his Angels – 1858 – Ellen White DOWNLOAD PDF

The Great Controversy Between Christ And Satan – 1884 – Ellen White DOWNLOAD PDF

Comparison between ´The Great Controversy´ original of 1884 and the manipulation of 1911 DOWNLOAD PDF

The Life of Jesus Christ – 1887 – Ellen White DOWNLOAD PDF Original instead of manipulated version with the (changed) new name Desire of Ages – 1898 

Falling away from the truth Ellen White  DOWNLOAD PDF

Falsifications in the Bible and in the texts of Ellen White – Goran Šušljić DOWNLOAD PDF

Christ’s Object Lessons – Rich and Poor – A Great Gulf Fixed Ellen White DOWNLOAD PDF

The EGW Letters – Vol. 1 – 1845-1846 – Ellen White DOWNLOAD PDF

The EGW Letters – Vol. 2 – 1857-1863 – Ellen White DOWNLOAD PDF

Special Testimonies Series A, Nos. 1-12 – Ellen White  DOWNLOAD PDF

Special Testimonies Series B, Nos. 1-19 – Ellen White DOWNLOAD PDF

Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery and Divorce – Ellen White DOWNLOAD PDF

Earth ist round – Ellen White DOWNLOAD PDF

1888 = Materials The Ellen G. White 1888 Materials 1-4

AA = The Acts of Apostles, 

AUCR = Australasian Union Conference Record 

BTS = Bible Training School

CET = Christian Experience and Teaching 

CH = Counsels on Health

ChS = Christian Service

CM = Colporteur Ministry

COL = Christ’s Object Lessons

CT = Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students

CTBH = Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene

DA = Desire of Ages

DS = The Day-Star

Ed = Education

EW = Early Writings

ExV = A Sketch of the Christian Experience and Views of Ellen G. White

FE = Fundamentals of Christian Education 

FLB = The Faith I Live By

GC = The Great Controversy

GCB = The General Conference Bulletin

GW = Gopel Workers

HP = In Heavenly Places

LHU = Lift Him Up

Lt = Letters

LtMs = Letters and Manuscripts 

MH = Ministry of Healing

MR = Letters Manuscript Release

MS = Manuscript

PP = Patriarchs and Prophets

RH = Review and Herald

SAT = Sermons and Talks

SDA = Seventh-day Adventist Church

SG = Spiritual Gifts 1-4

SM = Selected Messages

SP = The Spirit of Prophesy

SpM = Spalding and Magan Collection

SpT = Special Testimonies 

SpTA = Special Testimonies, Series A

SpTB = Special Testimonies, Series B

ST = The Signs of the Times

SW = The Southern Watchman

T = Testimonies for the Church 1-9

TDG = This Day With God

TM = Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers

TMK = That I May Know Him

UL = The Upward Look

YI = The Youth’s Instructor