When we compare the apostasy of today to what it was like 30 years ago, unfortunately, we see a much more negative situation. A professor from Loma Linde invited Adventists and citizens on TV to vote in a referendum in favor of homosexual marriages, to “show love and tolerance”. Did Abraham show love through the “peace-ecumenical confession of Sodom and Gomorrah“? Are we showing this at Andrews University, where we “show love” through a homosexual bureau, so that active members of that group can “later recognise” the truth? In a document from Andrews University, published in October 2015, we can see the indirect but open acceptance of homosexuals:
- “Some have been expelled from our Christian schools when they revealed their attraction to the same sex. Most, if not all, have heard sermons that condemn homosexuals as persons, failing to distinguish between homosexual attraction or orientation and the practice of homosexuality. All persons, including practicing homosexuals, should be made to feel welcome to attend our churches while non-practicing gay persons should be welcomed into membership and church office. All should receive spiritual care from the Church.” {Andrews University: October 9th, 2015.}
Jesus condemned this way of thinking and the state of the human heart. He made it clear to us that sin is sin, even when we think or desire:
- “But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.” {Matthew 5:28}
Do we have homosexuals in positions of responsibility? In America, we have homosexual ministers in the church, living together as couples with the “explanation” that God gave us love, so that they “although homosexual, avoid only the literal act”, but still consider themselves and live as a couple, “because it is their genetic predisposition! ” In Germany, the president of the Northern Union also openly sent an invitation to declared homosexuals to get official positions in the church! According to the Bible, this sin is described in special depth, because it is the only sin where people openly declare themselves without shame, and force others to accept that sin, while people with other weaknesses are ashamed of their sins and do not declare the names of their sins! Because of that sin, God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah! Of course, God loves homosexuals as well as all other sinners, and if we accept His call, rejecting immoral lifestyle by God’s power of rebirth, we can turn to His side, as do people with all kinds of weaknesses.
In the sermon of prof. Dr. Walter Veith on the Northern and Southern Emperors from the book of the Prophet Daniel, he shows pictures of Andrews University students going to a mosque to pray to Allah, in a spirit of tolerance because, they believe in “the same God as us” and “do not need conversion”. There are suras in the Qur’an that openly condemn and curse anyone who thinks that Jesus is God, while at the same time raise the mortal mother Mary as the Catholics do, to supernatural heights. We are ridiculed as literalists because we take the words of the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy “literally.” Jesus says quite clearly: “so it is written”! Within this philosophy, it is permissible to reject the truth that Ellen White is a prophet, they declare her only a gifted writer, and evolution is taught in many Adventist universities. When prof. Veith presented the futility of evolution at one of our theological school in Europe, most of the students left the hall irritated! So, it is no wonder that in the next step of the Omega apostacy, the rejection of the Spirit of Prophecy is becoming more widespread.
In contrast, according to Revelation 12:17; 14:12, and 19:10, the last generation of God’s people just before the coming of Jesus, clearly have the Spirit of Prophecy as one of their basic characteristics. The principle of apostasy is its constant and exponential spread, as the conteaching becomes increasingly dull. Therefore, the next step is to view the Bible only as a symbol, which allegedly contains “only scattered prophetic fragments”, so that the symbols are attributed to everything that does not support this false teaching. This attitude is increasingly present among leading theologians, as they are no longer able to argue their views differently because God sent a warning with clear biblical truths and even stronger evidence of its credibility. Rejection grows into utter blasphemy, until it reaches a definite boiling point, as in the case of the Pharisees who crucified Jesus. LGBT lobbies and ecumenists in our ranks, some leading theologians or evolutionary professors of our universities reject the figure of 6 days or 6000 years or a clear definition in Revelation or that the last people worship the Creator and have the testimony of Jesus, the Spirit of Prophecy and even the Sabbath.
They define the Bible as a book with fragments of God’s word fused into historical records. They are allowed to spread their agenda, while no one from the General Conference goes to give a sermon on love, moral principles, and truth. Why have we seen a decrease in the number of young preachers, especially in the West, who preach the Three Angel’s Message? New preachers are being educated at most universities that they “don’t have to preach it”, and in some places, they receive sanctions and even dismissal because they “spread a message of hatred”. A completely polarised church emerged with an absolute majority without biblical truth and trampled the first commandment, as we see in the world the characteristics of modern Babylon were highly elevated. While the bearers of truth were moved by God to fight for the right side, the bearers of delusion stood up in vigorous defense of their view points. In many churches in the West, the apostasy has become completely open, and in some areas, many preachers who preach the imminent coming and going of Babylon are expelled.
In America, they are fired as “surplus labor“. Another sign of the latest apostasy is the introduction of female preachers. After the fall into sin, God clearly defined the place of Eve within the memory of the fall into sin, and the New Testament confirmed that with a symbolic formulation that women are silent in the church and that the bishop of one woman is the husband, which today’s theology of many leaders turns to previous cultural aspects. The Bible is twisted where the examples of female prophets in the Old and New Testaments are taken as proof that women can be preachers! The Bible defines who should be the head of the family and the church. James White was the head of his wife Ellen White both privately and in church. Women should indeed enrich the church with their active participation in family and church life, and can even speak from the pulpit. It must be emphasised that Ellen White and other women prophets of the Old and New Testaments never held the office of ordained priests in the church, even though God chose them to be the pen of the Spirit of Prophecy!
New feminism and homosexuality around the world are showing the more and more open and faster establishment of the complete satanic rule on earth before the imminent coming of the Saviour! We read in the Bible that God did not reject Israel even during the time of Baal when only 7,000 faithful of a few million remained, but still the tribe of Judah, as the line of Jesus, distanced themselves from keeping the truth. When God officially rejected the Jewish priests, it was only when they crucified Jesus, and the people themselves, only when they stoned Stephen. Like today’s false Trinity, the sign of our church has been changed, skillfully concealed by an inverted cross and twisted crooked lines of papal ecumenism, created at a meeting with John Paul II. Then, a representative of our church was internally elected from the General Conference, who took the blessings of our church to the Pope with a gold medal, with the official promise to stop publishing the Three Angel’s Message, rejecting the logo image of the three angels with trumpets and accepting ecumenism. Jesuit-Masonic infiltrated Adventist universities, unions, and the General Conference do not bring about a complete decline, but a complete ban on preaching the triple angelic message and rejecting the truth on a global scale.
Ellen White called such people agents of Satan, and even during her time, many of them were present in the leadership of the Church. Many of our young preachers, especially in the West, are educated without complete truth or are sent as real agents of Satan, like wolves in lambskin, to introduce false doctrines! Today, theological education has become so deformed and has grown into a race for higher titles, to find recognition and respect of the world as well as of the church. This seed of self-exaltation has produced a greater deepening of the Omega apostasy. Today, Adventist theologians study and proudly promote at world theological universities. In return, they are asking our universities, in the name of accreditation, for theological compromises that are currently being fulfilled. Not only that: today, it is an advantage for a higher position in our institutions if the theology degree is completed at a non-Adventist university! This phenomenon, in addition to the loss of faith and truth, leads to great philosophy and countless books in our bookstores, while the books of the Spirit of Prophecy, announced in Revelation, are not printed because “finances and resources” do not allow for it.
Ellen White also announced this as one of the most important signs of the Omega apostasy, which would happen right before the end of times. Throughout history we can see that standing for truth has never brought recognition, but persecution and/or ridicule. The indicated part of the world should open our eyes to how far we have strayed from the truth! In these last moments of Earth’s history, God is raising up Adventists everywhere who have begun to recognise and return to the true and complete truth, to be part of the literal 144,000. The explosive development of the power of the enemy on Earth, tells us that we are literally in the last minutes of Earth’s history. Recently, one of the charismatics was my guest, who Himself recognised in the Bible that the Trinity comes from the other side in space war fare. Others understand that the “gift of tongues” is Satan’s falsification of the apostolic revelation of truth with the gift of foreign tongues. It is an interesting coincidence that this also began to penetrate our church, especially in America.
The ungodliness and apostasy of the last generation, both in the world and in the Church, is growing at incomprehensible proportions, and in this last moments of Earth’s history we are being called to repent and to choose the right side! An interesting empirical feature of Babylon and the enemy’s side is the growing ecumenism, and the worship of the Trinity, which according to the Pope, is the most important ecumenical factor. In addition to this, the “Christian version” of demonic Rock and Beat-Pop music has entered our ranks. Lectures by preacher and former rock singer, Brian Neumann can help us better understand how dangerous are the subliminal hypnotic images that we find on television and in cinema, as well as the effect of modern syncopal and hypnotic music.
Even pop star, David Bowie, said that every form of modern music with rhythm, even the most inconspicuous forms, like New Orleans Jazz or modern Christian music, have their roots in voodoo. They have a hypnotic effect on our brain because they avoid the frontal lobe filter in our brain. People active in the pagan-demonic Voodoo religion, with pronounced rhythmic music with drums, fall into obsession after a while, where they often shake their bodies and limbs on the ground. We see the same phenomenon in deep charismatic circles. Only at such extremes can we recognise what such music gradually leads to, even that hidden in a milder form and that it allows Satan closer and closer access to our mind and body in a literal sense. Such music has been present in our country for a long time, and it penetrated our Church through the once less conspicuous early line-ups of Heritage Singers, and later through Sandy Patti and the modern Heritage Singers.
They did not accidentally open the way to today’s charismatic music of demonic background. A similar thing happened in the world, where the Beatles provided access to blasphemous Heavy Metal and Dance music. Ellen White prophesied world music in our circle, with drums, rhythm and playing, as a characteristic of the Omega apostasy in the last Church, just before the end of the time of probation, and she wrote that music has a strong effect on our mind, both positive or negative.
- “Those things which have been in the past will be in the future. Satan will make music a snare by the way in which it is conducted.” {Ellen White: 2SM, p. 38.}
- “The things you have described as taking place in Indiana, the Lord has shown me would take place just before the close of probation. Every uncouth thing will be demonstrated. There will be shouting, with drums, music, and dancing. The senses of rational Beings will become so confused that they cannot be trusted to make right decisions. And this is called the moving of the holy Spirit. The holy Spirit never reveals itself in such methods, in such a bedlam of noise…A bedlam of noise shocks the senses and perverts that which if conducted aright might be a blessing. The powers of satanic agencies blend with the din and noise, to have a carnival, and this is termed the holy Spirit’s working.“ {Ellen White: 2SM, p. 36}
This announced type of apostasy music received growing applause in the church before our eyes. In defense of this, the biblical expression of drums in Psalm 150 is abused. Honest research of the Biblical past tells us that the drum instruments of that time were only a decent accompaniment of very small instruments, with only one gentle beat per beat, which accompanied a melody full of joy and happiness. The drums of that time did not have the syncopal rhythm, volume, and frequency as in today’s dance and modern music. But, as an “argument of correctness”, the music of Jews from a later period is used, when it was already drastically corrupted by the influence of the pagan people, similar to ours today! The Jews took visibly larger drums, as did all the other pagans around them. It is this music that enables and intensifies the obsession of many people in charismatic circles. When we take another look at Revelation, God clearly says that He will spit out Laodicea, and we see that there is no new church after her. God is a God of order, and He does not want a chaotically scattered people.
Since the scriptures make it clear that the tares and the wheat are growing until the harvest, we must pray and fast so that God will clearly reveal to us the message of this time. At the apostasy-charismatic Pan-European Youth Congress 2013 in Novi Sad, in addition to the music of the other side, the pantomime of immoral female-male flirtation was shown. Ellen White wrote in the Testimonies that God explicitly forbids theatrical performances both within and outside Adventism. Even to such a truth come arguments as Ellen White praised her granddaughter when she had a simple children’s performance at church! When someone stays in the trash long enough, his heart hardens so much that he begins to find justification for everything, even though the truth is clear! The music of the singer “Jay Z”, who openly celebrates Satan, was broadcast at that gathering, and disco music could be heard from the speakers during the session breaks.
It is the complete fulfillment of the prophecy about the manifestation of the last apostasy before the end of times. Many believers, who were there with sincere motives, did not even notice it, like many on the sidelines, because with the huge presence of evil angels, their eyes were blinded. Ellen White was explicit about not attending such gatherings, nor to participate in discussions with the spiritualists, because we will surely fall where God does not send us! This also happened to one of the great preachers of Sister White’s time, who ended up becoming spiritualist Himself! The right way for a true Adventist to act is to leave any gathering that has an atmosphere that goes in the wrong direction.
If the believers had reacted in time, there would never have been such an explosive manifestation of celebrating the other side. That is why every step on the opposite ground directly opens the door to the enemy, even watching movies and listening to the music of this world, and even infiltrated pop and beat music in the church! Satan’s servant, Elvis Presley, did the same with gospel music with syncopal rhythm. Even “quiet pop music” is present in most modern music of our church and the world. There are Adventist churches in the United States where a large number of young believers dance in the dark, with fog and disco lights, as “Christian pop and rock music” is played during worship. It should be mentioned that this apostasy is monitored and strengthened through the so-called Spiritual Formation “prayer”, in which the people are guided to stope their thoughts for half a minute to a few minutes, to “peacefully visualise” Jesus and hear the voice of the holy Spirit”.
The method developed by the Jesuit founder, Ignatius Layola, a spiritualist, was done for the “benefit of mankind.” It is a masked, mystical New Age meditation, which opens the door of our mind to the enemy. Ellen White wrote that the moment we stop our thoughts, we give Satan direct access to our minds. This is why the pagan religions of the Far East include meditation in them. We can easily understand whose voice is heard in such a prayer. As I have already described, such a prayer goes hand in hand with the worship of the false holy Spirit, the disguised Lucifer. The methods of hypnosis include the so-called calm music, where passages, rhythms, and tones are repeated very quietly and slowly. As the crown of the attack on God’s church comes the so-called NLP method = Neuro-Linguistic Programming, which has crept through the highest ranks of our church. NLP was also developed by Layola, to influence and manipulate the people.
The Jesuits are openly proud of that, and very likely we are too, since we use their same methods. The method was “newly discovered” in the seventies of the last century, as a means of “encouraging and guiding people in a desired positive direction.” NLP has hypnosis techniques and is found in textbooks of that subject. Anthroposophists, who worship Lucifer, developed hypnosis as part of Mesmerism and introduced it to modern society. Ellen White was explicit in that Mesmerism was one of Satan’s most dangerous techniques. In the world, NLP is described as a “good” and pleasant type of “therapy” between two people. Today, the Omega apostasy claims that the type of NLP used by Adventists “is not the hypnotic type but the correct type”. We’ve heard that song before. They say that “the Adventist trinity is right”, and that “it has nothing to do with the Catholic trinity”. Could we then say something like, we Adventists use spiritism in which ghosts are not invoked? Spiritism is spiritualism. NLP is NLP.
We will either serve God or Satan! The compromise does not exist for God! Each form of apostasy is accompanied by the same arguments, which can serve as a pattern of recognition in each area. God told us to separate from the world. Spiritism does not contain the right part! In the application of NLP, where therapy for two is now applied to the whole group or audience, we can observe the following picture: a speaker or singer addresses the audience from the stage while repeating one phrase several times and louder. Repetition weakens the will of the audience. In many cases, he invites the audience to repeat those words or notes together with him. In such hypnotic speech, one moves slowly to the left and then to the right, then from right to left throughout the sermon, as with the pendulum in classical hypnosis, so that the repetition and simulation of the pendulum intensify. If we take a closer look in America, we will notice that this has become a common occurrence in many Adventist circles there.
The crowning method of attack is today’s Beat music, which removes the last bastion of our mind, and which effect in combination with NLP is amplified. The sermons are characterised by a constant oscillation of the strength of speech and a sudden loud, then silent words, which represent direct stab wounds to our minds! Those who have seized power in God’s church are educating young preachers to use these methods, with the seductive argument that it keeps the audience’s attention, so that the “truth” can reach them more easily. The young NLP “Evangelists” in our church have more success than the older ones. This method massively weakens the strength of our will and leads us to agree without thinking.
Similar to the older method of “Backward Masking” – playing songs backward that reveal hidden messages. The strongest form of NLP is used at music concerts, where the audience is invited to repeat one phrase or the answer to a question louder and louder, which hypnotically leads to emotional fluctuations and easy indulgence without thinking. Do we need to use the methods of the other side in our sermons and concerts to “preach the gospel?” This way of hypnosis directly opens the door of our minds to fallen angels. What happens if some apostasy teaching is added to such sermons? Local churches, in which this method is used, are growing exponentially, implying that this method must be good, coming from God. Pentecostals also say that they preach the truth because many young people come to their church. But if the situation in the churches were different, Jesus’ prophecy about the last days would not have been fulfilled.
This Text is part of the book First Commandment OR Trinity? – Encyclopedia of Evidences of the Old Trampled Truths of All Areas