The Adventist Church of today has 28 fundamental beliefs. One of them reads “one God: Father, Son, and holy Spirit-comforter”, which describes the holy Spirit as a personal God. In this chapter, we want to look at quotes from the Spirit of Prophecy to see, if this fundamental belief, is in harmony with the Bible.
- “As by faith we look to Jesus, our faith pierces the shadow, and we adore God for His wondrous love in giving Jesus the Comforter.” {Ellen White: 19MR, p. 297.3 1892}
- “Let them study the seventeenth of John, and learn how to pray and how to live the prayer of Christ. He is the Comforter. He will abide in their hearts, making their joy full.” {Ellen White: RH, Januar 27, 1903}
Who removed the truth that Jesus is that Comforter, the holy Spirit? Who took on the false role of Comforter, and thus introduced the unbiblical form of a third Being of the Trinity? According to God’s Prophet, it was Satan himself:
- “The reason why the churches are weak and sickly and ready to die, is that the enemy has brought influences of a discouraging nature to bear upon trembling souls. He has sought to shut Jesus from their view as the Comforter, as one who reproves, who warns, who admonishes them, saying, “This is the way, walk ye in it.” {Ellen White: RH August 26, 1890, par. 10}
Ellen White wrote these words right at the very beginning of the apostasy. What is our official and unbiblical theology today? That the comforter, the “third independent Divine Being”, is the holy Spirit, and no longer Jesus with His Spirit!
- “Cumbered with humanity, Christ could not be in every place personally; therefore it was altogether for their advantage that He should leave them, go to His Father, and send the holy Spirit to be His successor on earth. The holy Spirit is Himself, divested of the personality of humanity and independent thereof. He would represent Himself as present in all places by His holy Spirit, as the OMNIPRESENT.” Old 1970s link without commas: {Ellen White: Manuscript Releases Vol.14, p. 23}. The new current link with the correct old original WITH A COMMA after “personally He,” has been on the official website of the Adventist Church since 2015 under the label: {Ellen White: Lt119, 1895.18}: {https:// m.egwwritings.org/en/book/5294.1#1}
The holy Spirit has no human personality to separate from, only Jesus has it. Jesus is the One Who is omnipresent through His holy Spirit. The holy Spirit cannot be the one who is omnipresent through His holy Spirit, because then there would be two holy Spirits. The English word “divested” means “separated”. Today there are claims that say that divested means ‘separated’, and that this quote “doesn’t” speak of Jesus. The holy Spirit does not have human nature, to be divested off or separated from!
Only Jesus was made human, because he came in human form to die for us, and as such, he went back to the heavenly sanctuary. This is what the first part of the above quote say about Jesus!
This Text is part of the book “First Commandment OR Trinity? – Encyclopedia of Evidences of the Old Trampled Truths of All Areas“